Many teens consider social media to be an important part of their life. It lets them talk to their friends, share their opinions, get the news, follow pop culture, and so much more. But social media can also be dangerous. So whether you're on every social media app or just one, follow these tips to stay safe.
- If you're too young to be on social media (for most social media platforms, the age limit is 13), don't lie to create an account. Social media platforms have age limits for a reason: to protect childrens' privacy.
- Keep your posts private.
- Don't accept friend requests from people you don't know.
- Be careful about what you share. Think before you hit send.
- Don't put your location out there for everyone to see.
- Avoid location services when posting photos.
- Avoid posting that you are going on vacation, or posting vacation pictures until you get home.
- Never send explicit images over text, social media, or any other messaging platform.
- Remember, things on the internet can last forever.
Resources for kids
- A Teens Guide to Social Media Safety - Safe Search Kids
- NetSmartz: Social Media Safety for Teens - National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
- Review social media sites before your child downloads them.
- This page from Protect Young Eyes offers reviews and explanations of over 100 social media, gaming, photo, and video apps
- Adjust privacy settings and use parental controls on apps that offer them.
- Teach your children to avoid sharing personal information, photos, and videos online.
- Monitor and discuss your child's social media use on a regular basis.
Resources for parents
- Parent Guide to Protecting Teens on Social Media - Safe Search Kids
- Keeping Teens Safe on Social Media: What Parents Should Know to Protect Their Kids - American Psychological Association
- Teaching Kids to Be Smart About Social Media - Nemours KidsHealth